On Monday, I had to take my normal trip to Payson and as soon as I got to the school up there my car started making a horrible sound. I took it to Big-O just to have them look around and they were a little confused about what was going on but said I could drive back home to Phoenix and then just have somebody look at it. I decided to skip class Tuesday so I wasn't driving back in the dark and I came back first thing Tuesday morning. After the guys at the VW shop took a little drive and looked around they told me I was lucky to make it down the mountain. (I, however knew it wasn't luck I had said my prayers and I was being watched over.) They told me that the front right engine block had broken and my engine was hanging down 8 inches lower than it should. This pushed the power steering line into one of the radiator fans and broke it. I didn't even know there was 8 inches for an engine in a VW Beetle to drop without being in the ground! So needless to say I was very blessed to make it home safely!
On Wednesday, I took my test to become an LPN. There's a minimum of 85 questions and a maximum of 205. The test can shut off any time once they've fugured out if your qualified or not. I was so nervous I felt like I had gotten the hardest questions and then when I pressed next after 32 minutes of testing and my 86th or 87th question, my screen went blank and it was over! I wanted to cry! I thought for sure that I was just that dumb that I wan't going to get any more questions to prove myself. I worried for two days while checking the website to see that the reults were not ready and then yesterday at 6:15 in the morning while I was on my way to clinicals, I found out from Logan who looked it up for me that I...PASSED! I was so excited and Logan was too! He was so sweet to me! When I got home from clinicals last night, my sweet husband took me to dinner and gave me these beautiful flowers!
I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful, supportive, and faithful husband. Logan, thank you for being everything I could have ever asked for and more. You are my eternal sweetheart and I'm so grateful to be your wife!
congrats on passing! that's exciting!
Cute post and congrats on pssing the test! I would have freaked out! Hey, could I get your email address? I'm throwing a couple parties in the next month and I wanna send you the Evites! Thanks!
Congratulations on passing! That's awesome!
Hey girlie!! we need to hangout soon. maybe do a little christmas shopping together, go get our nails done, do crafts, something like that...
i hope you guys are doing good! & you need to update your blog ASAP....
Hi Mandy! You probably don't remember meeting me, I met you at your wedding reception but we have been friends with the Campbell's forever! you guys are so cute. And yeah total congrats on passing, I had a girlfriend that just took that test and she was freaking out. Thats awesome!
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