Monday, June 1, 2009

Small, quick update... because Logan even said I needed to!

There have been quite a few changes in our little family over the past few months! We became aunt and uncle again in May and she is adorable! Logan just received a new calling in our ward and now he will be the second counselor in the Elder's Quorum Presidency. He's going to be great! He's still staying busy with work and class. I also switched callings and now I'm the Beehive advisor. I really enjoy teaching and making cute little handouts! This past month has probably been the most exciting for us for many reasons! 1) We celebrated our ONE YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY-Yay! 2) I graduated from nursing school so now I can actually spend time with my amazing husband and make him dinner! 3) I took my state board exam... and PASSED! I'm officially an RN, specifically RN 157704! So many new and exciting changes! We are so blessed and very grateful for all of our wonderful blessings!

Next up... Summer fun and vacations!

Just a head's up to all of our friends that we rarely see anymore, or atleast didn't while I was in school...
We are going to be planning a big barbecue for everyone to get together and relax, hopefully a Saturday in June so let us know when you might be available!