Let's see... there's the usual school, work, mutual, church meetings, etc. But then a couple of Sundays ago, we spoke in sacrament meeting. It was a really good oppurtunity for us even though I really had no clue about my topic! They assigned me journaling and I can truly say I've never journaled before and no matter how hard I fought Logan would not give in to my explanation of "Blogging is modern day journaling." Oh well, our talks went well and now I have a new goal to journal atleast once a week. This past week, Logan went hunting with his dad. They both got drawn for early season trophy bull. For those of you who may not know, that's once in a lifetime oppurtunity and they were so thrilled! Logan left Thursday and didn't come back until Tuesday and we only got to talk for about a minute and a half on Sunday! Thank goodness elk season only comes around once a year! His dad ended up getting a big 6x6 Saturday and he had promised me the heart so I could dissect it (I love the anatomy of the heart!) so Sunday when my brother in-laws were headed back down to the valley, they brought me my heart! :)

We had such a blast! There were 4 nursing students, an EMT student, and a pharmacist and we tore it up! Then on Tuesday morning, Logan got his elk, a 5x6, yay! As soon as we get the pictures I'll post them. I haven't even see them yet! Since we'll be eating elk for the rest of our lives we'll have to have an elk steak party soon! While Logan was gone, I stayed busy with work, clinicals, school, and a little fun in between. I all of the sudden got this urge to sew cause it's been so long so my mom and I made aprons. We found some of my grandmother's old fabric and patterns (some of which was from the 50's and 60's) and we went to town. Think Mrs. Cleaver, lots of gingham and gathers! Way cute! Here are the 4 that I made.

My friend Max came home from his mission last week so we did the whole homecoming thing this weekend. It was a lot of fun to see everyone since I'm the only married one and don't see anyone from Payson anymore!

My sister in-law is a teacher at Washington High School and it's homecoming this week. She is the advisor over a spirit club and they have a banner contest every year between all the clubs. Shelby kind of forgot about it and asked if I could paint the ram on the banner while she was at work. I said sure no problem and then realized what I had signed up for... I think it turned out pretty dang good though!
Oh and one more thing! I know these pictures are from last month but you all just need to see how cute my niece is!

those aprons turned out so cute!!! I want one :) I couldn't sew something like that if my life depended on it!
You best hook a sister up with an apron - seriously!! Check out my September 4th blog if you don't believe me!
I am loving that you disected that heart! I'm kinda jealous...weird huh? haha. Well the aprons are super cute. I am actually making one too... kind of a random coincidence!!! We will have to share patterns. : ) Take care, and good luck with midterms, cause I'm sure you have them coming up anytime now!
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