Goodwill table...
...turned classy white table compliments of paint and Anthropologie knobs
Goodwill table...
...turned classy white table compliments of paint and Anthropologie knobs
Now on to Halloween. Logan and I had a good time carving pumpkins and seeing our neices and nephews all dressed up this year. On Halloween night we went over to Logan's brother Travis' house for dinner and then it was off to Rachel and Nathaniel's house for a nice relaxing night full of politics and laughs.My nephew wore my costume from when I was 4!
I finished up school at the beginning of the month and now I'm gearing and ready to go onto my last semester of nursing school! I am so very excited; I can definately see the light at the end of the tunnel! Christmas break didn't being much of abreak but it has been good nonetheless. Christmas brought so many fun times and great blessings. Logan was able to attend the annual Ollerton Christmas Eve-Eve Party while I was at work but I did catch about 15 minutes of it. It's always fun to see everyone. Then on Christmas Eve, my parents came down and we all went over to Chris and Jamie's beautiful new house for dinner and a white elephant gift exchange. It was so fun to spend the evening with both sides of our family. We're so blessed! My parents stayed the night with us and we woke up at about 6 Christmas morning to open presents. My husband and parents completely spoiled me. They're so nice! I got a Cricut! That was definately my favorite. But Logan also bought me a Coach purse and when I mentioned that I had my very first Coach, without missing a beat Logan said, "Your first or your last!" He makes me laugh! Logan got lots of littler stuff like a drill, a hunting game, and clothes, but my parents also bought him his favorite picture, The Prayer at Valley Forge. He loved it! We had a wonderful day just relaxing and playing with our new toys and family. I must say Christmas is definately a little crazier with 20 people at the Campbell house rather than the 4 I'm used to! We were so grateful for this special time of year and the oppurtunity that we had to read Luke together. We are thankful for this wonderful gospel and our Savior who loves us! Oh Christmas in an apartment!
The melting cake... I was so sad...