This past few months has brought many new changes to our lives. Logan and I were able to buy a house in September so we have really been working to make it our own. I feel like I have this GIGANTIC canvas just waiting to be painted... or in my case, decorated! We have really enjoyed having a place to call "Home"and all the extra space. We also added a new terror, I mean black lab to the family. Her name is Sassafras and she is absolutely adorable... when she's sleeping. I don't know where we would be without Resolve carpet cleaner and $2 Old Navy flip flops that can be thrown out when chewed beyond recognition. My dad had warned us about such things before we got the dog and I just thought he was a little confused. I have way too much pride to admit that he was right, however. I keep telling Logan maybe I'll like her better in a few months. But I think Logan summed it all up for me the other day while we were trying to figure out what we were going to do with her while we were at work when he said, "We used to live such a carefree life." Oh, how true and how much I love my funny husband. Logan and I have really started to enjoy garage sales. It's kind of our Saturday morning date now. I get so excited when I wake up and realize it's yard sale day. I just need to get better about the whole bargaining thing, I'm a total sucker! I'm always trying to figure out how I can refinish or remake something to fit our style and we've had a few really fun fix-ups.

Home Sweet Home!

Master Bath
(Excuse the poor quality... My beloved camera is out of commission
and so we had to use Logan's mission camera)
Beautiful cabinet/ yard sale find
Thank you Craigslist for $80 hutch
Walk-in closet/ reason my husband thinks he needs more shoes
The aforementioned Sass
Goodwill table...
...turned classy white table compliments of paint and Anthropologie knobs
Along with all of the fun of the house and the puppy, we have learned many precious lessons. The greatest, by far. are the spiritual ones. I have wanted so many times to ask "Why?" and in Stake Conference a couple of months ago they talked about not asking why, but instead asking what, what do you want me to learn from this trial? I now find myself asking what quite often and I feel like the answer is always the same. My Heavenly Father wants me to know that I am a Daughter of God who he loves very much but who has to have trials so that my faith can be made stronger. While at a friend of mine's wedding luncheon, I saw this quote from Elder Bednar on his mother's shelf. "The tender mercies of the Lord are real and that they do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence." I absolutely fell in love with it. I have found the Lord's tender mercies to be such a blessing in much needed times, especially lately and I know that is a reflection of His love for me. I've also learned to more fully appreciate the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I always thought about sin and what I had done wrong whenever I heard that word. I now have a much greater understanding of what it means to me. I find such comfort in knowing that when times are tough and I feel so misunderstood that there is always someone who understands and knows exactly how I feel. I am so grateful this wonderful gospel and the testimony that I have and the comfort that it brings.
1 comment:
It is amazing we have only been waiting months for an update!!! GAld you finally found time to update us in your crazy life. We love the house and Sassafras. Good job on doing yeard sales and goodwill dont forget about our favorite one of all DI. Good luck you got 6 more months till we come home to see it all fineshed :)
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