Logan and I were able to spend this past weekend in Payson We had such a great time and my wonderful family spoiled us. A lady in my parents ward wanted a cake for a baby shower so I helped my parents make this amazing ladybug! We also went to the rodeo, it was a lot of fun up until it poured rain for 45 minutes, I was frezing! So we left early, went to dinner, and I dumped a giant soda on my lap. It definately didn't help the cold situation! Logan was so embarrassed but as soon as we got in the car, I took my pants off, I just couldn't take it! We got back Sunday morning so that we could back for church cause I have a new calling as the Young Women's secretary. Does that officially make me an adult or what?! I'm really looking forward to it though. I started school Monday, for those of you who don't know, even though we live in Phoenix, I'm still going to school in Payson cause I'm right in the middle of nursing school. So I stayed with my parents Monday night and then went to school Tuesday and then I got to come home to my wonderful husband. I don't know how I'm going to do with being away from him, it's tough, but I have faith that everything will work out for the best. Poor Logan is so good to me and so supportive through everything. I'm very appreciative of him and all he does for our little family. I love you sweetheart!

Most Amazing Ladybug Cake Ever

The Ro-Deo
I LOVE Monsoon Season
I Love My Neighbor's Sunflowers Too!

...And The Little Bee!
Its Jenny, Logans cousin... (just in case you are like who the heck are you :) YOu two are sooo cute! And you made the most amazing cake, did you do your wedding cake too? Seriously sooo talented! Next time you come home from school- bring some of that rain with you!
HEY! I am so glad you had a fun weekend!! I love the pics. How is everything going? I would love to get together soon, but our September is looking pretty packed. We will keep in touch : )
Hey Mandy! I saw your blog on facebook! Its so cute! If you want to be added to mine just e-mail me your e-mail mine is clarissajobaxter@hotmail.com . Its so cool that you ahve a blog, now maybe I can get to know you! (Our family is so dang big!) haha and its still growing!
That cake is so cute! We miss you guys. Good luck with school :) How much longer do you have left?
Hey girl, It's mel. I miss your cute happy face! I love the payson rodeo I wish we were there to go with you guys!! You sound like you're doin great!Love ya!
Things are going well for us too. We are loving the change in season up here already! Jake's really liking his job and working with his friend to grow the business. And we are finally looking for a home to buy! If you ever come to Salt Lake call us so we can hang out again! :)
Hey! This is Chanteal (riggs) Brooks... I have a blog too. Send me your email address and I'll invite you to my blog!
oh sorry...my email is chantealbrooks@gmail.com
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